
What is Procrastination 7 Ways To Beat It

What is Procrastination? 7 Ways To Beat It

Delaying your assigned work and daily tasks has become so common. For some people it is just for a few times they have done in life time but others do it everyday. But older people do it due to extra burden or sometimes due to laziness. The wonder is kids also do this. Delaying homework to put on daily tasks on tomorrow kids also procrastinate

What is Procrastination?

It is postponing or deferring tasks until the last minute or after their deadline. Some researchers define procrastination as a “type of self-regulation failure characterized by the irrational delay of tasks despite potentially negative consequences.”

What Are The Types of Procrastination?

There are many types of Procrastination. The two major ones are;

Passive Procrastination

Put off the task as they have difficulty making and acting on decisions.

Active Procrastination

Delay the task on purpose so they can “feel challenged and motivated” by doing it under high pressure.

What are the Impacts of Procrastination?

According to research, procrastination if becomes a daily routine it affects your personality.In these situations, it’s more than a question of ineffective time management; it’s a big component of their way of life.

They might put off buying gifts until the day prior to a birthday, pay their bills later than expected, start working on big projects late at night, or even file their returns for income taxes after the deadline.

Here are some reported effects of Procrastination;

  • Stress and illness levels are higher.
  • Increased stress on social relationships.
  • Dissatisfaction from relatives, close friends, coworkers, and peers.
  • The consequences of past-due bills and tax returns.

Due to such impacts, it is essential to overcome Procrastination.

What Are Seven Ways To Overcome Procrastination?

Procrastination is a poor habit that we need to overcome. Here are some ways you can follow to get rid of this habit;

Set Deadlines:

When you don’t know when something is due, it’s easy to put it off.You can better understand when a task requires to be completed by having clear deadlines.

Then, you can make plans appropriately to guarantee that it is finished on schedule.

You can then plan accordingly to ensure that it is completed on time. After all, you can only expect to achieve reasonable work if you know when it’s due in the first place.

Once you’ve entered all your tasks into a to-do list tool, ensure each one has a deadline. This is also an opportunity to identify work that isn’t your top priority.

If you encounter such a task, defer it until you have more time or delegate it to someone else.

Make a List of Tasks:

Procrastinators usually need to remember the task when they put them on a delay. That is why making a list and mentioning if the study is done is helpful as it helps in reminding if the job is completed.

Set A Timer On Your Phone:

One of the primary reasons for procrastination is the overuse of cell phones. That is why you must set the screen time for yourself. This small action helps you focus on your goals.

Set reminders on your phone about every little task to help nudge you for every job.

Establish a Few Daily Essentials

You will only sometimes feel motivated to complete a task. This is where establishing daily non-negotiables comes in… A daily mandatory is something you force yourself to do each and every day, no matter what. Since you’ve already promised to follow through, you don’t need to worry about it.

Try Out Time Management Techniques

You are more inclined to feel inspired once you have clarity. Even so, there are times when you require a little more assistance to stay on track.

If this is the case, try a time-management approach to reduce juggling multiple tasks and achieve a flow state.

Method of Getting Things Done (GTD):

The GTD method is based on the premise that the more information you keep track of mentally, the less efficient and focused you are.

The GTD methodology encourages you to keep all work-related knowledge in an external, organized source of truth rather than relying on your brain.

The Pomodoro method. The Pomodoro method alternates work and rest periods. A Pomodoro is a 25-minute work session followed by a 5-minute break. Four pomodoros are completed before you take a long break. Working in brief spurts improves your chances of staying motivated and productive.

Time administration. A time-management strategy called time blocking involves outlining every part of your day. Time blocking allows you to efficiently break up your work week into manageable segments during which you can check your email, work on initiatives, take breaks, or even work out.


Time boxing is goal-oriented management of time strategy that can assist you in increasing productivity and decreasing procrastination. A timebox represents a goal to complete a specific task within a particular time frame.

The 2-minute rule:

The 2-minute rule is a simple scheduling technique that states that you should start working on a task right away if it takes more than two minutes to finish. This methodology concentrates on minor duties, with the notion that if they are completed quickly, you will have more time—and more extraordinary brainpower—to meet your higher-impact work.

Divide Your More Significant Tasks Into Smaller Ones:

It can be challenging to see when and how you will complete a large project. As a result, it’s easy to put it off. The initiative’s scope makes it hard to understand the intricate components and connect them to your larger goals. Instead of becoming overwhelmed with the enormity of the assignment (or project), divide it into smaller chunks and track and organize your work with a project management tool.

Reward Yourself

When you complete an item on the list of things to do on time, applaud yourself and encourage yourself by doing something enjoyable.

One way to avoid something is to procrastinate. It’s time to stop throwing your life away if you occasionally put off completing your tasks and ambitions. You are delaying living as long as you continue to put off the things you should be doing. This is just as bad as sleeping and walking.


Procrastination must be addressed for both professional and personal growth. This emphasizes the importance of facing delays to achieve success and unlock one’s full potential.Thus procrastination is not something that cannot be overcome. A little effort is always needed to get rid of this comforting havoc.



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