PegSpy End User License Agreement
Top Quality Software
Before downloading our app, please read these license agreements with all focus. This EULA or end user agreement contains all rules and regulations which fall within our company requirements. If you purchase PegSpy, you agree to all terms and conditions on PegSpy monitoring software or mobile app.
These terms are compulsory for using our surveillance system PegSpy. The EULA of the PegSpy writes detailed conditions in which you can use our app. If your second thought in mind is to reject these terms of PegSpy, then accept our piece of advice not to purchase or download PegSpy software.
You must always keep in mind that PegSpy is designed to use for legal activities. If you involve in any illegal online ways, then we disown you.
If you are ready to install PegSpy, you are bound to the following legal terms and conditions.
Overall Concepts
Never forget PegSpy is a licensed monitoring app. After purchasing, you can not change or break any terms in user license agreements.
If any upgrade comes, we will tell you about any essential updates that come in-app or PegSpy software. We accept your implied acceptance of all modifications.
Users Should Bear in Mind
First, on which PegSpy is installed, it will be your device, or you are the owner of that particular device.
The primary purpose of PegSpy is to monitor your family, property, or children.
PegSpy did not guarantee that we can not break the rights of third parties.
PegSpy website did not force any user to buy its services; they depend on their wish.
We can not guarantee any third-party link by using our website.
By using our website, we can not promise any outcome.
On PegSpy website, we only provide information, not persuade them to purchase. We do not design any graphics which are against the law.
All graphical representation on that website is not fake. All services or features are available in PegSpy.
Customers should have contacted us before buying any of our services. We confirm the user availability of products and services.
You can not get this product or service from our office. We can not show this thing on PegSpy website.
We can change the price when the discount offer is finished or increase the price as we want. All prices stated are accurate on our website for purchasing PegSpy.